Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts
Entry updated 2 April 2015. Tagged: Publication.
US academic critical journal sponsored by the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts, current, theoretically quarterly but irregular after the first four issues (1988), with a further 6 issues during 1989-1991. Then the schedule became more regular, and the journal had reached #21 (Vol 6, no 1) by 1994. Vol 1 #1-#4 published M E Sharpe, Inc, New York, subsequent issues by Orion Publishing, New York. The initial executive editor was Carl B Yoke; other editors Marshall B Tymn, Roger Schlobin and Robert A Collins and later Charles A Meyer. At present the editor is Brian Attebery, with various associate and reviews editors plus a large editorial board including several writers and Yoke.
This addition to the specialist academic journals dealing with sf (see Extrapolation; Foundation; Science Fiction Studies) has, on the whole, been vigorous and (mostly) eschews excessive critical jargon. Because its remit includes the whole range of the fantastic, including not only sf but also Fantasy, Horror and Fabulation, it has a certain amplitude the others lack – usefully so in a period of literary history during which generic boundaries were rapidly dissolving – but by the same token it sometimes appears unfocused. However, some of the issues have been thematic, volume 1 #4 being about Postmodernism, vol 2 #2 about Cinema, vol 2 #3 about Doris Lessing and vol 3 #1 about art, for example. The portfolios of fantastic art have been largely disastrous, but otherwise Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts has been a useful addition to the field. [PN]
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