Entry updated 21 August 2023. Tagged: Fan, Publication.
British Fanzine, 15 issues from 1970 to 1978, edited from Newcastle-upon-Tyne by Ian Williams (#1-#2, Autumn 1970-April 1971), Ian Maule (#3-#6, April 1972-September 1974), and Rob Jackson (#7-#15, February 1975-June 1978). Duplicated on UK quarto paper #1-#8, lithographed A4 thereafter.
Under its third and final editor Rob Jackson, a doctor, Maya became one of Britain's leading sf fanzines, attractively produced, circulated worldwide and containing a variety of material on sf and Fandom. Contributors included Brian Aldiss, Malcolm Edwards, Leroy Kettle, Bob Shaw with several of his best humorous essays, Christopher Priest, Brian Stableford, Peter Weston and Walt Willis; cover and interior artists included David A Hardy, Alan Hunter and Bill Rotsler. Maya won the UK Nova Award for best British fanzine in 1975 and 1976, the international Fan Activity Achievement or FAAn Award in 1977 and 1978, and was shortlisted for a Hugo in 1978. [PR/DRL]
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