Monster Fantasy
Entry updated 13 May 2021. Tagged: Publication.
Letter-size perfect-bound Cinema magazine printed on cheap newsprint. Published by Mayfair Publications Incorporated. Editor: Tony Tallarico. Four issues, April to August 1975; initially bimonthly with the final issue claiming a monthly schedule.
This companion publication to Quasimodo's Monster Magazine differed somewhat from its parent in that each issue featured a "book" of sorts on a specific theme such as Vampires or, of greater sf relevance, "Space Monsters" in #4 (August 1975). This latter feature covered Aliens from such films as Invaders from Mars (1953), The War of the Worlds (1953) and This Island Earth (1955) among many others. The magazine also ran some short Horror fiction. Quasimodo's Monster Magazine and Monster Fantasy appeared in alternate months until the latter ceased operations in 1975. Cover artwork was excellent but – as with its parent title – uncredited. [GSt/DRL]
see also: Media Magazines.
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