Nelder, Geoff
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
Working name of Godfrey John Nelder (1947- ), German-born UK author, Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society, teacher and editor, in the UK from 1951. He has been an editor for Adventure Books of Seattle, Washington, since 2003, co-producing the 2007-2009 Hard SF Semiprozine Escape Velocity with Robert Blevins, with whom he also edited Escape Velocity: The Anthology (anth 2011). His first sf novel, Exit, Pursued by a Bee (2008), features "time-quakes" – geographical Timeslips that disastrously rearrange Earth's landscape – and efforts to halt these upheavals by communicating with the Aliens indirectly responsible. ARIA: Left Luggage (2012) opens the projected ARIA Trilogy, dealing interestingly with the impact on world civilization of the Amnesia-inducing disease ARIA or Alien Retrograde Infectious Amnesia; the sequel is ARIA: Returning Left Luggage (2013).
Xaghra's Revenge (2017) is historical fantasy. Short fiction is assembled as Incremental (coll 2018). [DRL]
Godfrey John Nelder
born Hannover, West Germany: 5 November 1947
works (selected)
ARIA Trilogy
- ARIA: Left Luggage (Glasgow, Scotland: LL-Publications, 2012) [ARIA Trilogy: pb/Andy Bigwood]
- ARIA: Returning Left Luggage (Glasgow, Scotland: LL-Publications, 2013) [ARIA Trilogy: pb/Andy Bigwood]
individual titles
- Exit, Pursued by a Bee (Ontario, Canada: Double Dragon Publications, 2008) [pb/Deron Douglas]
- Chaos of Mokii (Farmington, Missouri: Solstice Publishing, 2016) [ebook: na/]
- Xaghra's Revenge (Farmington, Missouri: Solstice Publishing, 2017) [pb/Andy Bigwood]
- Incremental (Glasgow, Scotland: LL-Publications, 2018) [coll: pb/]
works as editor
- Escape Velocity: The Anthology (Seattle, Washington: Adventure Books, 2011) with Robert Blevins [anth: pb/]
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