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Sarrantonio, Al

Entry updated 18 November 2024. Tagged: Author, Editor.

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(1952-    ) US editor and author who began publishing work of genre interest with "Ahead of the Joneses" in Asimov's for March 1979, and much of whose work is horror, sometimes tinged with sf (see Horror in SF), including his first novel, The Worms (1985), a Gothic tale set in Massachusetts with hints of H P Lovecraft; and Moonbane (1989), in which Werewolves use nuclear weapons to smash the Moon so that its fragments' reflected light will empower them at all hours. He has also written considerable sf, beginning with the Five Worlds Saga comprising Exile (1996), Journey (1997) and Return (1998) (see Checklist for full titles). The story, heavily tinged with horror tropes, involves a war between humanity, centred on Mars and a Terraformed Venus, and Alien forces, the latter having quickly wiped out all life in the Outer Planets. The Masters of Mars sequence beginning with Haydn of Mars (2005) is a flamboyant Planetary Romance set in an undetermined but distant future, with dynasty dilemmas gradually subsiding as Mars itself threatens to become uninhabitable. A singleton contribution to the Babylon 5 universe, Personal Agendas (1997) is told at Sarrantonio's usual swift pace. Of his anthologies, Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction (anth 2001), in the Extreme Visions sequence, contains strong work; as do 999: New Tales of Horror and Suspense (anth 1999), which won a Locus Award, and Stories: All-New Tales (anth 2010) with Neil Gaiman. [JC]

Albert A Sarrantonio

born New York: 25 May 1952



Jack Paine

  • Cold Night (New York: Tor, 1989) [Jack Paine: pb/Jim Thiessen]
  • Summer Cool (New York: Walker and Company, 1993) [Jack Paine: hb/Daniel F Richards]

Five Worlds Saga

The Orangefield Cycle

  • Orangefield (Baltimore, Maryland: Cemetery Dance Publications, 2002) [Orangefield Cycle: hb/]
  • Hallows Eve (New York: Leisure Books, 2004) [Orangefield Cycle: pb/Judy York]
  • Horrorween (New York: Leisure Books, 2006) [Orangefield Cycle: pb/Judy York]
  • The Baby (Baltimore, Maryland: Cemetery Dance Publications, 2006) [Orangefield Cycle: hb/Keith Minnion]
    • Halloweenland (New York: Leisure Books, 2007) [exp vt of the above: Orangefield Cycle: pb/Judy York]

Masters of Mars

individual titles

collections and stories

works as editor


Extreme Visions

individual titles (selected)


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