Shannon, Samantha
Entry updated 13 March 2023. Tagged: Author.

(1991- ) UK author whose Young Adult Paige Mahoney sequence – beginning with The Bone Season (2013), with six further volumes projected – is set in the Near Future of an Alternate History Britain, the Jonbar Point being the 1859 introduction of various forms of Magic, described in sf-like terms as Psi Powers; at points these powers may seem uneasily integrated into the public world, though the young protagonist, whose speciality is Dream Hacking, is part of the criminal underworld of London. Very soon, however, it becomes evident that Alien, Vampire-like Secret Masters, housed in Oxford, have taken control, and have imposed deadly sanctions against "unnaturals". The abduction (and extremely slow movements towards seduction) of the heroine are reminiscent of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight sequence, though lacking the religiose dis-ease of that model.
The Priory of the Orange Tree (2019) is fantasy. [JC]
Samantha Shannon
born London: 8 November 1991
Paige Mahoney
- The Bone Season (London: Bloomsbury, 2013) [Paige Mahoney: hb/David Mann]
- The Bone Season (New York: Bloomsbury, 2017) [exp of the above as coll: one story added: Paige Mahoney: pb/]
- The Mime Order (London: Bloomsbury, 2015) [Paige Mahoney: hb/David Mann]
- The Song Rising (London: Bloomsbury, 2017) [Paige Mahoney: hb/David Mann]
- The Mask Falling (London: Bloomsbury, 2021) [Paige Mahoney: hb/David Mann]
Roots of Chaos
- The Priory of the Orange Tree (London: Bloomsbury, 2019) [Roots of Chaos: hb/Ivan Belikov]
- A Day Of Fallen Night (London: Bloomsbury, 2023) [Roots of Chaos: hb/]
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