Terrall, Robert
Entry updated 12 September 2022. Tagged: Author.
(1914-2009) US journalist and author almost exclusively of thrillers, sometimes as by John Gonzales or Robert Kyle; he also wrote at least twenty Michael Shayne adventures under the House Name Brett Halliday. He is of sf interest for A Killer Is Loose Among Us (1948), a Near Future medical thriller set in an Army research laboratory, where the development of a deadly new plague (see Medicine) threatens the world if it should escape and lead to a Pandemic. [JC]
Robert Terrall
born Neihart, Montana: 6 December 1914
died Salisbury, Connecticut: 27 March 2009
works (highly selected)
- A Killer Is Loose Among Us (New York: Duell, Sloan and Pierce, 1948) [hb/]
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