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Captain Hazzard

Entry updated 21 August 2012. Tagged: Character, Publication.

US Pulp magazine, one issue, May 1938, published by Ace Magazines; no editor named but it was handled by A A Wyn (1898-1967) and his wife Rose Wyn. The (short) novel contained in this issue, "Python-Men of the Lost City", was by Paul Chadwick (1902-1972) under the alias Chester Hawks. Hazzard, an imitation of Doc Savage with great mental powers developed to overcome his blindness, along with a group of assistants, combats a master criminal. The lead novel was reprinted in facsimile in 1974 by Robert E Weinberg. The character of Captain Hazzard was revived in 2006 by Ron Fortier (1946-    ), first with a complete rewrite of Python Men of the Lost City (2006) and then with three new adventures, The Citadel of Fear (2006), Curse of the Red Maggot (2008) and Cavemen of New York (2008). [MA/FHP]


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