SFE entries by contributor
John Brosnan [JB]
54 solo entries or entry sections ... 228 *shared credits
Skip to letter: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 1984 *
- 1990
- 2001: A Space Odyssey *
- 20,000 Leagues under the Sea
- 20 Million Miles to Earth *
- A for Andromeda *
- Aelita *
- Allen, Irwin *
- Alphaville *
- Arnold, Jack *
- Around the World under the Sea
- At the Earth's Core *
- Atlantis, the Lost Continent *
- Avengers, The *
- Battle for the Planet of the Apes *
- Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, The
- Bed-Sitting Room, The *
- Behemoth, the Sea Monster
- Beneath the Planet of the Apes *
- Bijo to Ekitai-ningen
- Bionic Woman, The *
- Black Scorpion, The *
- Boy and His Dog, A *
- Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
- Bug
- Capricorn One *
- Captain Midnight *
- Captain Nemo and the Underwater City *
- Captain Video
- Carrie *
- Charly *
- Chikyū Bōeigun *
- Children of the Damned *
- Chosen Survivors *
- City Beneath the Sea *
- Clockwork Orange, A *
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind *
- Colossus, the Forbin Project *
- Conquest of Space *
- Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
- Crack in the World *
- Crazies, The *
- Creature from the Black Lagoon, The *
- Creature Walks Among Us, The *
- Cyborg 2087
- Damned, The *
- Dark Star *
- Day of the Dolphin, The
- Day of the Triffids, The *
- Day the Earth Caught Fire, The *
- Day the Earth Stood Still, The *
- Day the Fish Came Out, The
- Day the World Ended *
- Death Race 2000 *
- Decima Vittima, La
- Deluge *
- Demon Seed *
- Destination Inner Space *
- Devil-Doll, The *
- Dimension 5
- Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze *
- Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde *
- Dr No
- Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb *
- Doctor Who *
- Doctor X *
- Donovan's Brain
- Doomwatch *
- Doppelganger *
- Duel *
- Earth Dies Screaming, The
- Earth vs. the Flying Saucers
- Earthquake
- Embryo *
- Escape from the Planet of the Apes *
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask)
- F.P.1 Antwortet Nicht *
- Fahrenheit 451 *
- Fantastic Journey, The *
- Fantastic Voyage *
- Fiend Without a Face *
- Fin du Monde, La *
- Final Programme, The *
- First Man Into Space *
- First Men in the Moon *
- Five *
- Flash Gordon *
- Flesh Gordon
- Fly, The
- Four-Sided Triangle
- Frankenstein *
- Frau im Mond, Die *
- From the Earth to the Moon *
- Futureworld *
- Gas-s-s-s, Or It Became Necessary to Destroy the World ...
- Genesis II
- Giant Claw, The *
- Gladiatorerna *
- Glen and Randa *
- Gog *
- Gold *
- Gorgo *
- Harryhausen, Ray *
- Haskin, Byron
- Hauser's Memory
- Herrin von Atlantis, Die *
- Homunculus
- I Married a Monster from Outer Space *
- Ikarie XB-1 *
- Illustrated Man, The *
- Immortal, The
- Incredible Hulk, The *
- Incredible Shrinking Man, The *
- Invaders from Mars *
- Invaders, The *
- Invasion [film] *
- Invisible Boy, The *
- Invisible Man, The *
- Island of Dr Moreau, The *
- Island of Lost Souls
- Island of Terror *
- It Came from Beneath the Sea *
- It Came from Outer Space *
- It Happened Here
- It! the Terror from beyond Space *
- It's Alive *
- Kdo Chce Zabít Jessii *
- Killdozer
- King Kong *
- Kolchak: The Night Stalker *
- Kronos *
- Kubrick, Stanley *
- Lady and the Monster, The *
- Land of the Giants *
- Land that Time Forgot, The
- Lang, Fritz *
- Logan's Run *
- Lord of the Flies *
- Lost Continent, The *
- Lost Horizon *
- Lost in Space *
- Lost Planet, The *
- Lost World, The
- Love War, The
- Magnetic Monster, The *
- Man from Atlantis, The *
- Man from U.N.C.L.E., The *
- Man in the White Suit, The
- Man They Could Not Hang, The *
- Manchurian Candidate, The *
- Manden der Taenkte Ting *
- Marooned *
- Mask of Fu Manchu, The *
- Master of the World *
- Matheson, Richard *
- Méliès, Georges *
- Metropolis *
- Mighty Joe Young
- Monitors, The *
- Monolith Monsters, The *
- Monster on the Campus *
- Moon Zero Two *
- Moonbase 3 *
- Most Dangerous Man Alive, The *
- Most Dangerous Man in the World, The *
- Mutations *
- My Favorite Martian *
- My Living Doll *
- Mysterious Island *
- Naked Jungle, The *
- Night of the Big Heat
- Night of the Blood Beast *
- Night of the Lepus *
- Night of the Living Dead *
- Night that Panicked America, The
- Nippon Chinbotsu *
- No Blade of Grass *
- O'Brien, Willis H *
- Omega Man, The *
- One Million B.C. *
- One Million Years B.C. *
- Orlacs Hände *
- Out of the Unknown *
- Out of This World
- Outer Limits, The *
- Pal, George
- Panic in Year Zero! *
- Panico en el Transiberiano *
- Paris qui Dort
- Perfect Woman, The *
- Phase IV *
- Planet Earth *
- Planet of the Apes *
- Planeta Bur
- Planète Sauvage, La
- Power, The *
- President's Analyst, The *
- Prisoner, The *
- Privilege *
- Punishment Park *
- Quatermass and the Pit *
- Quatermass Experiment, The *
- Quatermass Xperiment, The *
- Questor Tapes, The
- Rabid *
- Red Planet Mars *
- Reptilicus *
- Revenge of the Creature *
- Robinson Crusoe on Mars *
- Rocketship X-M *
- Rod Serling's Night Gallery *
- Roddenberry, Gene *
- Science Fiction Theatre *
- Seconds *
- Serling, Rod *
- Silent Running *
- Siodmak, Curt *
- Six Million Dollar Man, The *
- Slaughterhouse-Five *
- Sleeper *
- Son of Kong *
- Soylent Green *
- Space: 1999 *
- Space Children, The *
- Space School
- Spaceways *
- Ssssssss! *
- Star Maidens
- Star Trek *
- Star Wars *
- Stepford Wives, The *
- Strange New World *
- Strange World of Planet X, The *
- Stranger Within, The *
- Superman [character] *
- Survivors *
- Tarantula *
- Target Earth! *
- Television *
- Terminal Man, The *
- Them! *
- Thing, The *
- Things to Come *
- Thunderbirds *
- THX 1138 *
- Time Machine, The *
- Time Tunnel, The *
- Tom Corbett: Space Cadet *
- Tomorrow People, The *
- Toomorrow
- Trollenberg Terror, The *
- Trumbull, Douglas *
- Tunnel, Der *
- Tunnel, The *
- Twilight Zone, The *
- Twilight's Last Gleaming *
- Twonky, The *
- UFO *
- UFO Incident, The *
- Ultimate Warrior, The *
- Ultimo Uomo della Terra, L' *
- Unearthly Stranger *
- Ungar, Richard
- Vengeance
- Village of the Damned *
- Voyage à Travers l'Impossible, Le *
- Voyage dans la Lune, Le *
- Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
- Vynález Zkázy *
- War Game, The
- Weekend *
- Where Have All the People Gone?
- Wild, Wild West, The *
- Wise, Robert *
- World of Giants *
- World, the Flesh and the Devil, The *
- World Without End *
- X – The Man with the X-Ray Eyes *
- X the Unknown *
- You Only Live Twice *
- Z.P.G. *
- Zardoz *