Turtledove, Harry
Entry updated 13 January 2025. Tagged: Author.
(1949- ) US author and academic who has made use of his field of scholarship (his PhD was in Byzantine history) to create all his best-known work, including several associational historical novels as by H N Turteltaub. The fantasy Videssos Cycle – The Misplaced Legion (1987), An Emperor for the Legion (1987), The Legion of Videssos (1987) and Swords of the Legion (1987), with the Krispos sequence, Krispos Rising (1991), Krispos of Videssos (1991) and Krispos the Emperor (1994), serving as a prequel – follows the exploits of a Roman legion translated to the empire of Videssos, situated in a world where Magic works and Byzantine history is recapitulated. The Basil Argyros stories (1985-1987), set in an Alternate History in which Mahomet became a Christian saint – assembled as Agent of Byzantium (coll of linked stories 1987) – follows the exploits of a medieval secret agent who tends to cause scientific innovations against both his brief and his intentions. Though these books focus on their various charismatic and canny protagonists, Turtledove's thorough understanding of his source material gracefully infiltrates the fun and fantastication.
He began writing work of genre interest with two Sword-and-Sorcery tales as by Eric G Iverson, Wereblood (1979) and its sequel Werenight (1979), which initiate the Gerin the Fox sequence of fantasies ending with Fox and Empire (1998) for details see Checklist; and was soon publishing sf and fantasy with some frequency, sometimes as by Eric G Iverson, some of his better non-series work being assembled as Kaleidoscope (coll 1990). Noninterference (fixup 1988) – in which a galactic survey team runs across Aliens – and Earthgrip (fixup 1991) – in which a reader of sf uses the expertise so gained to save alien races – are, unusually for Turtledove, straight sf books not set in alternate worlds, and were assembled with Kaleidoscope as 3 X T (omni 2004). A Different Flesh (fixup 1988) places hominid survivors (see Apes as Human) in an alternate USA, and A World of Difference (fixup 1989) confronts rival Soviet and US missions (see Cold War) on an alternate Mars – here called Minerva – populated by warring Minervans. Certainly his most important singleton, and perhaps his finest sustained narrative, is The Guns of the South: A Novel of the Civil War (1992), in which the South wins through the aid of Afrikaners who Time Travel with advanced Technologies which are used to defeat the North. After the publication of this dramatic and sustained tale, Turtledove came into his own as the most famous and most prolific authors of Alternate History sequences; though some of the later series come dangerously close to repeating the techniques and motifs of earlier work, two long-running multi-section multi-volume narratives do stand out. Both are remarkable for their ingenuity, and for their almost unremitting (and sometimes savagely melodramatic) focus on War.
The Worldwar sequence is perhaps the more appealing of the two, in that much of the internecine intensity of Turtledove's treatment of purely planetary issues is here partially escaped. The first series within the overall sequence – Worldwar: In the Balance (1994), Worldwar: Tilting the Balance (1995), Worldwar: Upsetting the Balance (1996) and Worldwar: Striking the Balance (1996) – features a World War Two very similar to our own, until the Invasion of an Alien fleet (see Colonization of Other Worlds; Imperialism) changes everything. Before an ultimate stalemate can be painfully achieved, Germany becomes an ally of America (with consequences close to those encountered in many Hitler Wins tales), nuclear conflict devastates the planet, and the aliens come to occupy most of the world beyond the realm of the beleaguered allies, dominant among them being America, Germany and Russia. The second series – the Worldwar: Colonization tales comprising Colonization: Book One: Second Contact (1999), Colonization: Down to Earth (2000) and Aftershocks (2001) – takes place in the 1960s, with the two races occupying the planet vying constantly for supremacy, a conflict in which advances in Technology tend to turn the tables fairly often. Homo sapiens, in line with a deep-rooted American Genre SF assumption, is much quicker-witted and adaptive than the alien foe, who are comfortingly obtuse and very clearly described in accordance with the traditional view that invading alien armies would necessarily be commanded by hidebound, reptile-thick bureaucrats – though in this series individual aliens do show an alarming ability to take on human characteristics, including a passion for Baseball. In the midst of all this, a continuing human campaign to develop a slower-than-light Starship points readers to the final volume of the overall sequence, Homeward Bound (1999), in which human forces arrive on the alien planet, Home, a threat to the balance of power that almost leads to a mutually destructive final war, though the arrival of a second human force in a Faster Than Light ship tips that balance in our favour.
The second multi-volume sequence, an Alternate History whose surtitle is Southern Vision, is based as usual in Turtledove on an ingenious Jonbar Point: when the Union does not discover General Lee's plans to invade Maryland (the historical Special Order 191 did fall into Union hands, and arguably turned the course of the American Civil War), the Confederacy wins the war, maintaining a racist hegemony over much of America during the course of the following war-torn decades (see Race in SF), not finally losing to the USA until the 1920s. The sequence begins with an initiatory tale, How Few Remain (1997), set in 1881, featuring the defeated Abraham Lincoln has become a socialist preacher, and Samuel Clemens (see Mark Twain), still in California, as a radical newspaperman. The following volumes – beginning with The Great War: American Front (1998) and ending with In at the Death (2007), see Checklist for breakdown into sub-series – are much darker than Worldwar and depict a reality significantly bleaker than our own. The sequence depicts at great length the century after 1860 as subject to almost constant War, with extended episodes being couched in Military SF terms. In the meanwhile, on the larger scene, World War One begins, though much of Turtledove's attention is focused on the increasingly savage final conflict between the North and the South, which is recounted in terms of the same futile trench-warfare stalemate that marked the European conflict for years. After 1920, Canada, now an American colony under harsh control, suffers through the Governor-Generalship of General Custer. World War Two then breaks out, with the resurgent Confederacy attacking the North; during this war, Germany and other nations develop nuclear power: bombs duly destroy St Petersburg, Paris, London, and many other world cities.
Later sf series, as indicated above, tend to repetition, though it may be that fantasy analogues – such as the Darkness sequence, beginning with Into the Darkness (1999) and ending with Out of the Darkness (2004), where a version of World War Two is fought in a universe where Magic exists – may have moments of genuine freshness; this may also be the case with the War Between the Cronies sequence, beginning with Sentry Peak (2000) and ending with Advance and Retreat (2004), where the Civil War is also fought in a world with magic. The Crosstime Traffic sequence of Young Adult tales set in a variety of Parallel Worlds, beginning with Gunpowder Empire (2003) and ending with The Valley-Westside War (2008), homages H Beam Piper's Paratime books and parallels Charles Stross's Merchant Princes sequence, which began in 2004. The Lost Continent of Atlantis sequence, beginning with Opening Atlantis (2007) and perhaps concluding with Liberating Atlantis (2009), is initiating by a very large-scale Jonbar Point: the calving off of the eastern seaboard of America, millions of years ago, into a separate continent which is discovered in 1492. A late sequence, the War That Came Early series beginning with Hitler's War (2009), is based on the premise that World War Two begins a year early, due to the refusal of France and the UK to appease Hitler; as the series progresses, with the presumed assassination of Winston Churchill in 1941, a Hitler Wins scenario is hinted at, but is unlikely to prevail in the final volumes. Though not connected to this series, one of his relatively rare singletons, The Man With an Iron Heart (2008), depicts a post-1945 continuation of the conflict under the leadership of Reinhardt Heidrich, who has in this universe survived his 1942 assassination; his guerrilla army bamboozles the war-weary Allies, who are foolishly inclined to abandon this difficult conflict. The clear analogies with Iraq (such analogies are rare in Turtledove's work) provide a peculiarly American take on the Middle East since 2003; it might be noted in this context that facile party-political agendas are avoided through the fact that President Truman, who is attempting to continue to fight, was a Democrat, and that his opposition here is Republican. The Hot War sequence, comprising Bombs Away (2015), Fallout (2016) and Armistice (2017), modifies the post-World War Two scenario; the catastrophe this time around is triggered by President Truman's following the advice of General MacArthur to bomb China, abruptly ending a fragile Cold War. The ensuing conflagration has some resemblance – though here there is of course no Near Future element – in earlier adumbrations of World War Three. Though it is set only marginally into the future, Alpha and Omega (2019) evokes Christian Eschatology in its presentation of ancient Biblical prophecies – including the re-arrival of a figure who may be God – about the End of the World. Three Miles Down (2022), set in the Watergate year 1974, confronts an American expedition Under the Sea with a crashed Alien Starship; the implications of this First Contact may transform President Nixon's America.
Turtledove has never failed to be exuberant when he sees the chance; and although it may be argued that he has not yet written any single book that has fully stretched his very considerable intelligence, it may at the same time be suggested that the overall impact of his longer sequences is indeed considerable; some of his later shorter works, like We Haven't Got There Yet (March 2009 Tor.com; 2011 ebook) or Shtetl Days (2011 ebook), are effective partly through their seemingly effortless (but in fact highly polished) concentration. Beneath the graphic clarity of his descriptions of conflict, and a sweet-tooth for the depiction of Realpolitik in action, lies a sadness that perhaps befits our times, and an intermittent sense that we may be better off in our own taxing world, which we know to be true though sometimes nearly unendurable, than in any realistic alternatives we might try to imagine. But that may be an inherent cost of Thought Experiments, the downside of their cognitive power: that the solutions they generate are thinner than the worlds they analyse. Turtledove won a 1994 Best Novella Hugo Award for "Down in the Bottomlands" (January 1993 Analog). [JC]
see also: Astounding Science-Fiction; Eastercon; Holocaust; Prometheus Award; Sidewise Award.
Harry Norman Turtledove
born Los Angeles, California: 14 June 1949
Gerin the Fox
- Wereblood (New York: Belmont/Tower, 1979) as by Eric Iverson [title page gives "Erik Iverson" in error: Gerin the Fox: pb/Boris Vallejo]
- Werenight (New York: Belmont Books, 1979) as by Eric Iverson [Gerin the Fox: pb/Boris Vallejo]
- Prince of the North (New York: Baen Books, 1994) [Gerin the Fox: pb/Larry Elmore]
- Wisdom of the Fox (New York: Baen Books, 1999) [omni of the above two, Werenight having been revised: Gerin the Fox: pb/Bob Eggleton]
- King of the North (New York: Baen Books, 1994) [Gerin the Fox: pb/Ken Tunell]
- Fox and Empire (New York: Baen Books, 1994) [Gerin the Fox: pb/Ken Tunell]
- Tale of the Fox (New York: Baen Books, 2000) [omni of the above two: Gerin the Fox: pb/Bob Eggleton]
Videssos: Videssos Cycle
- The Misplaced Legion (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1987) [Videssos: Videssos Cycle: pb/Romas Kukalis]
- An Emperor for the Legion (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1987) [Videssos: Videssos Cycle: pb/Romas Kukalis]
- The Videssos Cycle: Volume One (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2013) [omni of the above two: Videssos: Videssos Cycle: pb/Stephen Youll]
- The Legion of Videssos (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1987) [Videssos: Videssos Cycle: pb/Romas Kukalis]
- Swords of the Legion (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1987) [Videssos: Videssos Cycle: pb/Romas Kukalis]
- The Videssos Cycle: Volume Two (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2013) [omni of the above two: Videssos: Videssos Cycle: pb/Stephen Youll]
Videssos: Time of Troubles
- The Stolen Throne (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1995) [Videssos: Time of Troubles: pb/Steve Youll]
- Hammer and Anvil (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1996) [Videssos: Time of Troubles: pb/Steve Youll]
- The Time of Troubles I (New York: Baen Books, 2005) [omni of the above two: Videssos: Time of Troubles: hb/Gary Ruddell]
- The Thousand Cities (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1997) [Videssos: Time of Troubles: pb/Michael Herring]
- Videssos Besieged (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1998) [Videssos: Time of Troubles: pb/Michael Herring]
- The Time of Troubles II (New York: Baen Books, 2005) [omni of the above two: Videssos: Time of Troubles: hb/Tom Kidd]
Videssos: Krispos
- Krispos Rising (London: Ballantine Books, 1991) [Videssos: Krispos: pb/Romas Kukalis]
- Krispos of Videssos (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1991) [Videssos: Krispos: pb/Romas Kukalis]
- Krispos the Emperor (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1994) [Videssos: Krispos: pb/Romas Kukalis]
- The Tale of Krispos (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2007) [omni of the above three: Videssos: Krispos: pb/]
- Bridge of the Separator (New York: Baen Books, 2005) [Videssos: hb/Tom Kidd]
- Worldwar: In the Balance (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1994) [Worldwar: hb/Bob Eggleton]
- Worldwar: Tilting the Balance (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1995) [Worldwar: hb/Stan Watts]
- Worldwar: Upsetting the Balance (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1996) [Worldwar: hb/Stan Watts]
- Worldwar: Striking the Balance (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1996) [Worldwar: hb/Stan Watts]
Worldwar: Colonization
- Colonization: Book One: Second Contact (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1999) [Worldwar: Colonization: hb/Tim O'Brien]
- Colonization: Down to Earth (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2000) [Worldwar: Colonization: hb/Tim O'Brien]
- Aftershocks (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2001) [Worldwar: Colonization: hb/Viktor Koen]
Worldwar Universe
- Homeward Bound (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1999) [Worldwar Universe: hb/Jim Burns]
Southern Vision
- How Few Remain (New York: Random House Value Publishing, 1997) [How Few Remain: hb/]
Southern Vision: The Great War
- The Great War: American Front (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1998) [Southern Vision: The Great War: hb/George Pratt]
- The Great War: Walk in Hell (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1999) [Southern Vision: The Great War: hb/George Pratt]
- The Great War: Breakthroughs (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2000) [Southern Vision: The Great War: hb/George Pratt]
Southern Vision: The American Empire
- Blood and Iron (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2001) [Southern Vision: The American Empire: hb/Big Dot Design]
- The Center Cannot Hold (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2002) [Southern Vision: The American Empire: hb/Big Dot Design]
- The Victorious Opposition (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2003) [Southern Vision: The American Empire: hb/Big Dot Design]
Southern Vision: Settling Accounts
- Return Engagement (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2004) [Southern Vision: Settling Accounts: hb/Big Dot Design]
- Drive to the East (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2005) [Southern Vision: Settling Accounts: hb/Big Dot Design]
- The Grapple (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2006) [Southern Vision: Settling Accounts: hb/Big Dot Design]
- In at the Death (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2007) [Southern Vision: Settling Accounts: hb/Big Dot Design]
Hellenic Traders
- Over the Wine Dark Sea (New York: St Martin's Press, 2001) as by H N Turteltaub [Hellenic Traders: hb/Andrew Burward-Hoy]
- Over the Wine Dark Sea (Rockville, Maryland: Arc Manor (Phoenix Pick), 2013) as by Harry Turtledove [Hellenic Traders: pb/]
- The Gryphon's Skull (New York: St Martin's Press, 2002) as by H N Turteltaub [Hellenic Traders: hb/Richard B Farrell]
- The Gryphon's Skull (Rockville, Maryland: Arc Manor (Phoenix Pick), 2014) as by Harry Turtledove [Hellenic Traders: pb/]
- The Sacred Land (New York: St Martin's Press, 2003) as by H N Turteltaub [Hellenic Traders: hb/John Blackford]
- The Sacred Land (Rockville, Maryland: Arc Manor (Phoenix Pick), 2014) as by Harry Turtledove [Hellenic Traders: pb/]
- Owls to Athens (New York: St Martin's Press, 2004) as by H N Turteltaub [Hellenic Traders: hb/Big Dot Design]
- Owls to Athens (Rockville, Maryland: Arc Manor (Phoenix Pick), 2015) as by Harry Turtledove [Hellenic Traders: pb/]
- Salamis (Rockville, Maryland: Arc Manor/CAEZIK SF & Fantasy, 2020) [Hellenic Traders: pb/]
The Darkness
- Into the Darkness (New York: Tor, 1999) [The Darkness: hb/Bob Eggleton]
- Darkness Descending (New York: Tor, 2000) [The Darkness: hb/Bob Eggleton]
- Through the Darkness (New York: Tor, 2001) [The Darkness: hb/Bob Eggleton]
- Rulers of the Darkness (New York: Tor, 2002) [The Darkness: hb/Bob Eggleton]
- Jaws of Darkness (New York: Tor, 2003) [The Darkness: hb/Bob Eggleton]
- Out of the Darkness (New York: Tor, 2004) [The Darkness: hb/Bob Eggleton]
The War Between the Cronies
- Sentry Peak (New York: Baen Books, 2000) [The War Between the Cronies: hb/Carol Heyer]
- Marching Through Peachtree (New York: Baen Books, 2001) [The War Between the Cronies: hb/David Mattingly]
- Advance and Retreat (New York: Baen Books, 2002) [The War Between the Cronies: hb/Tom Kidd]
The Scepter of Mercy
- The Bastard King (New York: Roc, 2003) as Dan Chernenko [Scepter of Mercy: pb/uncredited]
- The Chernago Pirates (New York: Roc, 2004) as Dan Chernenko [Scepter of Mercy: pb/Steve Stone]
- The Scepter's Return (New York: Roc, 2005) as Dan Chernenko [Scepter of Mercy: pb/Steve Stone]
Crosstime Traffic
- Gunpowder Empire (New York: Tor, 2003) [Crosstime Traffic: hb/Kazuhiko Sano]
- Curious Notions (New York: Tor, 2004) [Crosstime Traffic: hb/Kazuhiko Sano]
- In High Places (New York: Tor, 2006) [Crosstime Traffic: hb/Kazuhiko Sano]
- The Disunited States of America (New York: Tor, 2006) [Crosstime Traffic: hb/Herald Sund and The Studio Dog]
- The Gladiator (New York: Tor, 2007) [Crosstime Traffic: hb/Scott M Fischer]
- The Valley-Westside War (New York: Tor, 2008) [Crosstime Traffic: hb/uncredited]
Days of Infamy
- Days of Infamy (New York: Roc, 2004) [Days of Infamy: hb/Steve Stone]
- End of the Beginning (New York: Roc, 2005) [Days of Infamy: hb/Steve Stone]
Lost Continent of Atlantis
- Opening Atlantis (New York: Roc, 2007) [Lost Continent of Atlantis: hb/Steve Stone]
- The United States of Atlantis (New York: Roc, 2008) [Lost Continent of Atlantis: hb/Steve Stone]
- Liberating Atlantis (New York: Roc, 2009) [Lost Continent of Atlantis: hb/Steve Stone]
Opening of the World
- Beyond the Gap (New York: Tor, 2007) [Opening of the World: hb/Justin Sweet]
- The Breath of God (New York: Tor, 2008) [Opening of the World: hb/Justin Sweet]
- The Golden Shrine (New York: Tor, 2009) [Opening of the World: hb/Gregory Manchess]
The War That Came Early
- The War That Came Early: Hitler's War (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2009) [The War That Came Early: hb/Carlos Beltrán]
- The War That Came Early: West and East (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2010) [The War That Came Early: hb/Carlos Beltrán]
- The War That Came Early: The Big Switch (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2011) [The War That Came Early: hb/Carlos Beltrán]
- The War That Came Early: Coup d'Etat (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2012) [The War That Came Early: hb/Carlos Beltrán]
- The War That Came Early: Two Fronts (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2013) [The War That Came Early: hb/Carlos Beltrán]
- The War That Came Early: Last Orders (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2013) [The War That Came Early: hb/Carlos Beltrán]
- Supervolcano: Eruption (New York: New American Library/Roc, 2011) [Supervolcano: hb/Steve Stone]
- Supervolcano: All Fall Down (New York: New American Library/Roc, 2012) [Supervolcano: hb/Steve Stone]
- Supervolcano: Things Fall Apart (New York: New American Library/Roc, 2013) [Supervolcano: hb/Steve Stone]
Hot War
- Bombs Away (New York: Del Rey, 2015) [Hot War: hb/David G Stevenson]
- Fallout (New York: Del Rey, 2016) [Hot War: hb/David G Stevenson]
- Armistice (New York: Del Rey, 2017) [Hot War: hb/Susan Schultz]
individual titles
- Noninterference (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1987) [pb/David Schleinkofer]
- Earthgrip (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1987) [fixup: pb/Barclay Shaw]
- A World of Difference (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1990) [fixup: pb/uncredited]
- The Pugnacious Peacemaker (New York: Tor, 1990) [novella: chap: dos: sequel to L Sprague de Camp's The Wheels of If (October 1940 Unknown; 1990 chap dos), which precedes it in this sequentially printed Dos text: technically an anthology, but presented as part of a dos series: pb/Joe Burleson]
- The Guns of the South: A Novel of the Civil War (New York: Ballantine Books, 1992) [hb/Tom Stimpson]
- The Case of the Toxic Spell Dump (New York: Baen Books, 1993) [pb/Steve Hickman]
- The Two Georges (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1995) with Richard Dreyfuss [hb/Bob Warner]
- The Two Georges: A Novel of an Alternate America (New York: Tor, 1997) [vt of the above: pb/David Kramer]
- Thessalonica (New York: Baen Books, 1997) [pb/Darrell K Sweet]
- Justinian (New York: Tor, 1998) as by H N Turteltaub [hb/photographic]
- Between the Rivers (New York: Tor, 1998) [hb/Gary Ruddell]
- Household Gods (New York: Tor, 1999) with Judith Tarr [hb/Cynthia von Buhler]
- Ruled Britannia (New York: New American Library, 2002) [hb/Steve Stone]
- Conan of Venarium (New York: Tor, 2003) [tie: Robert E Howard: Conan the Barbarian: hb/Julie Bell]
- In the Presence of Mine Enemies (New York: New American Library, 2003) [hb/Steve Stone]
- Every Inch a King (Deerfield, Illinois: ISFIC Press, 2005) [hb/Bob Eggleton]
- After the Downfall (San Francisco, California: Night Shade Books, 2008) [hb/David Palumbo]
- The Man with the Iron Heart (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2008) [hb/Big Dot Design]
- Joe Steele (New York: New American Library/Roc, 2015) [exp of story first appearing in Stars: Original Stories Based on the Songs of Janis Ian (anth 2003) edited by Mike Resnick and Janis Ian: hb/Paul Youll]
- The House of Daniel (New York: Tor, 2016) [Baseball: hb/Getty Images]
- Through Darkest Europe (New York: Tor, 2018) [hb/Mauricio Diaza]
- Alpha and Omega (New York: Tor, 2019) [hb/Susan Schultz]
- The Best of Harry Turtledove (Burton, Michigan: Subterranean Press, 2021) [coll: hb/Lee Moyer]
- Or Even Eagle Flew (Wayne, New Jersey: Prince of Cats Literary Productions, 2021) [pb/Paul Guinan]
- Three Miles Down (New York: Tor, 2022) [hb/Emanuel Santos]
collections and stories
- Agent of Byzantium (New York: Congdon and Weed, 1987) [coll of linked stories: hb/J K Potter]
- Agent of Byzantium (New York: Baen Books, 1994) [exp of the above: pb/Barclay Shaw]
- Kaleidoscope (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1987) [coll: pb/Barclay Shaw]
- A Different Flesh (New York: Congdon and Weed, 1988) [coll: pb/Ray Mel Cornelius]
- Departures (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1993) [coll: pb/Barclay Shaw]
- Departures: Stories of Alternate History (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 1998) [coll: vt of the above: pb/Eric Peterson]
- Counting Up, Counting Down (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2002) [coll: pb/Istvan Orosz]
- Reincarnations (Baltimore, Maryland: WSFA Press, 2009) [coll: hb/Allyson Ricketts]
- Atlantis and Other Places (New York: Roc, 2010) [hb/Steve Stone]
- The Star and the Rockets (New York: Tor.com, 2011) [story: ebook: first appeared November 2009 Tor.com: na/Chris Buzelli]
- The House That George Built (New York: Tor.com, 2011) [story: ebook: first appeared June 2009 Tor.com: na/James Bennett]
- We Haven't Got There Yet (New York: Tor.com, 2011) [story: ebook: first appeared March 2009 Tor.com: na/Jillian Tamaki]
- Vilcabamba (New York: Tor.com, 2011) [story: ebook: first appeared February 2010 Tor.com: na/Jason Chan]
- Shtetl (New York: Tor.com, 2011) [story: ebook: na/Gary Kelley]
- Lee at the Alamo (New York: Tor.com, 2011) [story: ebook: na/John Jude Palencar]
- Running of the Bulls (New York: Tor.com, 2013) [story: ebook: na/Greg Ruth]
- Cayos in the Stream (New York: Tor.com, 2013) [story: ebook: na/Gregory Manchess]
- The Eighth-Grade History Class Visits the Hebrew Home for the Aging (New York: Tor.com, 2014) [story: ebook: na/Robert Hunt]
- Something Going Around (New York: Tor.com, 2014) [story: ebook: na/Greg Ruth]
- We Install and Other Stories (New York: Open Road Integrated Media, 2015) [coll: pb/Mauricio Diaza]
- And the Last Trump Shall Sound: A Future History of America (Rockville, Maryland: Arc Manor/CAEZIK SF & Fantasy, 2020) with James Morrow and Cat Rambo [coll: pb/]
- Three Bill Williamson Stories (New York: Tor, 2020) [ebook: na/]
works as editor
Alternate Generals
- Alternate Generals (New York: Baen Books, 1998) with Roland Green [anth: Alternate Generals: pb/Charles Keegan]
- Alternate Generals II (New York: Baen Books, 2002) [anth: Alternate Generals: hb/Dru Blair]
- Alternate Generals III (New York: Baen Books, 2005) [anth: Alternate Generals: hb/Jeff Easley]
Best 20th Century Stories
- The Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2001) with Martin H Greenberg [anth: Best 20th Century Stories: pb/Jeff Corwin]
- The Best Alternate History Stories of the 20th Century (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2001) with Martin H Greenberg [anth: Best 20th Century Stories: pb/David Stevenson]
- The Best Time Travel Stories of the 20th Century (New York: Ballantine Books/Del Rey, 2005) with Martin H Greenberg [anth: Best 20th Century Stories: pb/David Stevenson]
On the Train
- On the Train (Rockville, Maryland: Arc Manor (Phoenix Pick), 2012) with Rachel Turtledove [anth: in the publisher's The Stellar Guild series: pb/]
individual titles as editor
- Down in the Bottomlands and Other Places (New York: Baen Books, 1999) with L Sprague de Camp [anth: pb/Larry Elmore]
- The First Heroes: New Tales of the Bronze Age (New York: Tor, 2004) with Noreen Doyle [anth: Prehistoric SF: hb/Peter Fiore]
- The Enchanter Completed: A Tribute Anthology for L Sprague de Camp (New York: Baen Books, 2005) [anth: L Sprague de Camp: pb/Tom Kidd]
- Blue vs. Grey: Alternate History Tales from the Front Lines of the American Civil War (place not given: Gallery Press, 2011) [anth: pb/]
about the author
- Warren Rochelle. "The Patriotic Rhetoric of Harry Turtledove's Alternate America" (Summer 2005 Foundation #94) [pp75-86: mag/]
- Harry Turtledove (fan site)
- Harry Turtledove Wiki
- Internet Speculative Fiction Database
- Picture Gallery
previous versions of this entry