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Entry updated 10 June 2024. Tagged: Prelim.

Contributors to this encyclopedia may be identified by their initials, appearing (along with others if the entry has multiple authors) at the end of the main text for each entry. The first list below links initials to full names. Roughly half of the contributors themselves receive entries in this book, and are listed below with their surnames marked as normal hyperlinks to their entries. Brief descriptions of contributors without entries are incorporated into the list. A second list, further below, gives contributors in name order and adds information on which of the four editions of the encyclopedia each contributor has written for.

Contributors alphabetized by initials

  • A Ahasuerus: the current Internet Speculative Fiction Database administrator.
  • AB Andrea Bell: Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies at Hamline University, St Paul, Minnesota.
  • ABP A B Perkins: a UK researcher with a special interest in UK boys' sf of the 1950s.
  • AC Adrian Cox: a member of the M H Zool (which see) group.
  • ADV Alexander Dan Vilhjálmsson: an Icelandic writer and founder/editor of Furðusögur, the first Icelandic genre magazine.
  • AM Alan Myers: a UK teacher of Russian, and translator from the Russian.
  • AMi Andrew Milner
  • AM-J Antoni Munné-Jordà, whose Catalan SF entry was translated into English by Sara Martín Alegre.
  • AN Abigail Nussbaum
  • AP Alexander Popov
  • AR Adam Roberts
  • AS Andy Sawyer
  • AT Angus Taylor
  • BA Brian Ameringen: a long-time UK sf fan and book dealer trading as Porcupine Books.
  • BB Bill Burns: a UK fan long resident in the USA who is webmaster of the site (see Online SF Resources).
  • BC Bill Cotter
  • BCh Bodhisattva Chattopadyay
  • BF Brian Forté: freelance writer, based in South Australia, who has expertise in Comics.
  • BG Bruce Gillespie
  • BS Brian M Stableford
  • BT Braulio Tavares
  • BWA Brian W Aldiss
  • CAJ Colin A Johnson: a member of the M H Zool (which see) group.
  • CB Claire Brialey: co-editor of the Fanzine Banana Wings.
  • CG Colin Greenland
  • CL Chris LaHatte
  • CM Cheryl Morgan: former editor of Emerald City and nonfiction editor of Clarkesworld.
  • CP Carlo Pagetti
  • CPa Chris Pak: completed a PhD thesis on the ecopolitical and environmental philosophical intersection of science-fictional Terraforming narratives. He was awarded the 2012 Foundation essay prize.
  • CPe Cato Pellegrini: see Norway.
  • CR Cornel Robu
  • CRBL Campo Ricardo Burgos López: a writer, critic and Professor in the Faculty of Philosophy at Sergio Arboleda University, Bogotá, Colombia. He is the author of the Colombia entry, which was translated by Andrea Bell.
  • CSM Charles Shaar Murray: a UK rock-music critic and historian, author of Shots from the Hip (coll 1991) and other books.
  • CW Chris Williamson: a member of the M H Zool (which see) group.
  • CWa Chris Watkins
  • DB Damien Broderick
  • DDA David Díaz-Arias: Associate Professor of History at the University of Costa Rica (UCR). He is currently Director of the Graduate Programme in History and a researcher on cultural, social, and political history of Central America at the UCR.
  • DDF D Douglas Fratz
  • DH Don Hutchison.
  • DIM David I Masson
  • DK David Ketterer
  • DKn Dale Knickerbocker: the Linda E McMahon Distinguished Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina.
  • DN Dang Nguyen
  • DO Daniel O'Mahony
  • DP David Pringle
  • DR David Redd: a Welsh sf author and fan who began publishing fiction with "The Way to London Town" (July 1966 New Worlds).
  • DRL David Langford
  • DRo David Roache DRo: a contributor to The Encyclopedia of Fantasy, some of whose material is adapted here.
  • DS Darko Suvin
  • EFB Everett F Bleiler
  • EHV Elton Honores: a doctoral candidate in literature and a professor of language at San Ignacio de Loyola University in Lima, Peru. He is the author of the Peru entry, which was translated by Andrea Bell.
  • EJ Edward James
  • EL Emanuel Lottem
  • ELM Edwin L Murray: a leader in North Carolina fandom in the 1970s, publishing Fanzines and hosting mini-Conventions, and a member of the Science Fiction Research Association. With his brother Terry he has donated the Edwin and Terry Murray Comic Book, Fanzine and Role-Playing Game Collections to the Duke University Library.
  • EM Dr Emily Midkiff is Instructor of Children's and Young Adult Literature and Literacy at the University of North Dakota.
  • EMP Ellen M Pedersen: a Danish critic and translator.
  • EMS Esther MacCallum-Stewart: an Associate Professor in Games Research at Staffordshire University.
  • FHP Frank H Parnell: an authority on sf and fantasy magazines, compiler of Monthly Terrors: An Index to the Weird Fantasy Magazines Published in the United States and Great Britain (1985).
  • FM Farah Mendlesohn
  • FR Franz Rottensteiner
  • FW Frank Wu
  • GC Graham Charnock
  • GF Gregory Feeley
  • GFl George Flynn (1936-2004): a long-term member of the New England SF Association and dedicated proofreader of NESFA Press publications.
  • GI Giulia Iannuzzi
  • GKW Gary K Wolfe
  • GP Greg Pickersgill: a long-time UK sf fan whose website archives much useful material including the newsletter Skyrack.
  • GS Graham Sleight
  • GSt Geoffrey Stevens
  • GVG Gordon Van Gelder
  • GW Gary Westfahl
  • HBF H Bruce Franklin
  • HD Hugh Davies: a UK composer and musicologist.
  • HJA Hans Joachim Alpers
  • HM Helen Merrick
  • HU Hermann Urbanek: a German fan and sf critic, author of "SF in Germany", an occasional column in Locus.
  • HW Henry Wessells
  • IA Ivan Adamovič
  • IFC I F Clarke
  • IL Ivan Lutz: co-wrote the entry on Croatia.
  • IRM Iván Rodrigo-Mendizábal
  • IT Igor Tolokonnikov: one half of the Russian literary agency Baziat.
  • JAD J A Dautzenberg: a Dutch college teacher and literary critic for a national newspaper, De Volksrant.
  • JaS Jakob Schmidt
  • JB John Brosnan
  • JBe Joe Bernstein
  • JC John Clute
  • JCB John C Bunnell: an author and reviewer who also contributed to The Encyclopedia of Fantasy.
  • JCh Jacques Chambon: a French sf critic and publisher.
  • JCo Jonathan Cowie: a founding editor of The Science Fact & Science Fiction Concatenation.
  • JCTR Juan Carlos Toledano Redondo
  • JD Jane Donawerth: a Professor of English at the University of Maryland at College Park, with a specialized interest in women's literature.
  • JDG John Gosling
  • JDS John D Squires: a retired American attorney and long-time student of the history and literature of the period 1890-1950. He has written extensively on M P Shiel, Louis Tracy and other writers of the era.
  • JE John Eggeling: a UK antiquarian bookseller and expert in early sf publishing.
  • JG Jon Gustafson
  • JGr John Grant (Paul Barnett)
  • JGu Jen Gunnels
  • J-HH John-Henri Holmberg
  • JI Jyrki Ijäs
  • JK Jörg Kastner: a German sf author and critic, whose criticism has appeared in Science Fiction Times.
  • JM James Machell
  • JN Jack Nicholls: son of Peter Nicholls, a graduate of the Clarion Science Fiction Writers' Workshop and a Cinema buff.
  • JNe Jess Nevins
  • JO Jaroslav Olša Jr
  • JoG John Grandidge: a member of the M H Zool (which see) group.
  • JonC Jonathan Clements
  • JoR Jorge Repollés is a librarian working in Navarra, Spain.
  • JP John Platt: a journalist covering technology and the environment, the author of Die Laughing (coll 2002), and a frequent writer about Comic books.
  • JPy Jan Pytalski: a translator and freelance journalist with a passion for science fiction epics.
  • JR Jenny Randles: an international researcher in ufology (see UFOs).
  • JRB J R Burgmann (James Burgmann): research assistant to Andrew Milner.
  • JRC John Robert Colombo
  • JS John T Sladek
  • JSc John Scarborough: a US professor of medical history.
  • JT Jonathan Tickner
  • JW Janeen Webb
  • KB Karen Burnham
  • KG Klaus Geus
  • KM Kate Macdonald
  • KN Kim Newman
  • KW Konrad Walewski: a Polish sf critic who is revising and expanding coverage of sf in Poland.
  • LaP Lawrence Person
  • LFS Luís Filipe Silva
  • LGS Leimar Garcia-Siino
  • LM Leon Maglić: co-wrote the entry on Croatia.
  • LP Luc Pomerleau
  • LPe Luis Pestarini: Subdirector of the Library of Congress of Argentina and editor of Cuásar, a science fiction magazine.
  • LT Lisa Tuttle
  • LTi Lavie Tidhar
  • LW Lee Weinstein: a literary researcher and editor.
  • MA Mike Ashley
  • MaA Mark Adlard
  • MAFD Miguel Ángel Fernández Delgado: Associate Researcher and Curator of the SF Special Collection (Spanish) at the University of South Florida, and coeditor of the online academic journal Alambique (website).
  • MB Matt Bishop: a member of the M H Zool (which see) group.
  • MD Mathew Downward: a bookseller and genre enthusiast with a background in journalism. He is Associate Editor of this encyclopedia.
  • MDB Michal Daliot-Bul: Associate Professor at the University of Haifa in Israel, researching early Japanese sf
  • MEG M Elizabeth Ginway: Associate Professor in the Portuguese Language and Brazilian Literature Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies at the University of Florida.
  • MH Mark Hughes
  • MiB Miquel Barceló
  • MiL Mike Levy
  • MJ Maxim Jakubowski
  • MJE Malcolm Edwards
  • M-JS Mauricio-José Schwarz
  • MK Michael Klossner: a US critic with special interest in sf in film and television, and a frequent contributor to SFRA Review (see SFRA Newsletter).
  • ML Martin Lewis
  • MMacL Murray MacLachlan: a New Zealand freelance writer with a special interest in sf.
  • MR Marcus Rowland: an educational laboratory technician who writes Role Playing Games.
  • MV Mariano Villarreal: Spanish editor, anthologist, critic and webmaster of the Spanish-language site Literatura Fantástica.
  • MY Michelle Yost: a PhD student at the University of Liverpool, studying the nineteenth-century Hollow Earth narrative.
  • ND Niels Dalgaard
  • NG Neil Gaiman
  • NL Nick Lowe: an academic best known in the sf field for his long-running "Mutant Popcorn" film review column in Interzone.
  • NT Neal Tringham
  • PC Paul Cross
  • PF Paul Fraser
  • PH Peter Halasz: a founder and administrator of the Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic.
  • PHe Penny Heal: a member of the M H Zool (which see) group.
  • PhR Phil Raines: a member of the M H Zool (which see) group.
  • PK Péter Kuczka
  • PKi Paul Kincaid
  • PKo Piotr Konieczny: professor of sociology at Hanyang University, Wikipedian, and long-time Polish sf fan living in South Korea.
  • PN Peter Nicholls
  • PNH Patrick Nielsen Hayden
  • PR Peter Roberts: for many years a fanzine editor in the UK (see Checkpoint).
  • RB Richard Bleiler
  • RC Robert Craddock
  • RD Richard Dalby: an editor, literary researcher and anthologist of supernatural fiction who contributed to The Encyclopedia of Fantasy.
  • RF Robert Frazier
  • RFl Ross Fletcher
  • RH Rob Hansen
  • RHu Rhys Hughes
  • RHF Rachel Haywood Ferreira: Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at Iowa State University, and Latin America/Iberia Subeditor of this encyclopedia.
  • RK Roz Kaveney
  • RKJK Robert K J Killheffer: former Books Editor of Omni Magazine.
  • RL Robert Louit: a French critic, journalist and translator who had also been an sf book editor.
  • RM Ron Miller
  • RO Robert Olson: a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Alternative Futures.
  • RoR Robert Reginald
  • RR Roger Robinson
  • RSC Roberto de Sousa Causo
  • RT Ron Tiner
  • RuB Russell Blackford
  • RW Ralph Willingham: US author of a PhD dissertation, "Science Fiction and the Theatre".
  • RWi Rick Wilber
  • RWL Rich Lynch: a historian of fandom and coeditor of Mimosa.
  • SB Scott Bradfield
  • SBe Stephen Beale: editor of The Steampunk Explorer.
  • SC Stanislav Čermák: a Czech film critic and sf fan.
  • SFN Sean Ficcazosp Noir: the anagrammatic working name of a security officer and amateur bibliophile based in California.
  • SH Stephen Holland
  • SHa Steffen Hantke
  • SHB Sandra Bond: UK fan historian and Fanzine bibliographer and collector.
  • SJL Sam J Lundwall
  • SMA Sara Martín Alegre
  • SP Steven Pearce: formerly a music-listening, science fiction-reading, animation (and bird) watching civil servant; now a music-listening, science fiction-reading, animation (and bird) watching retired civil servant.
  • SS Susana Sussmann
  • ST Sheldon Teitelbaum
  • SW Steve Whitaker: a comics historian, teacher, critic, strip cartoonist and colourist.
  • SWa Sean Wallace
  • TA Tim Adye: a member of the M H Zool (which see) group.
  • TAb Tom Abba: Associate Professor of Art & Design at UWE Bristol; maker of digital/physical books.
  • TMD Thomas M Disch
  • TS Tom Shippey
  • TSh Takumi Shibano
  • TSM Tim Miller
  • TSu Tony Sudbery: a lecturer in mathematics who was for some time a regular sf critic in Speculation and elsewhere.
  • VG Vladimir Gakov
  • VR Verónica Ríos: a Communication Professor at the Technological Institute of Costa Rica (ITCR). She is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research focuses on Central American literature.
  • WD Wu Dingbo
  • WSH William S Higgins: a US physicist at Fermilab and an sf fan.
  • WT Will Tattersdill: a researcher of early sf in the magazines of the fin de siècle.
  • YMG Yolanda Molina-Gavilán: Professor of Spanish at Eckerd College in St Petersburg, Florida.
  • YR Yvonne Rousseau
  • ZB Zoran Bekric: freelance writer, based in South Australia, who has expertise in Comics.
  • ZZ Zoran Živković

Contributors alphabetized by surname

Contributors' names in this list are preceded by the encyclopedia edition or editions to which they have contributed. Thus those marked [1] are responsible only for material retained from the first edition of 1979, and those marked [2] likewise for the second edition of 1993, while those marked [3] appear newly in the third and [4] in the fourth. Combinations such as [1/2/3] or [3/4] should be self-explanatory.

  • [3] Tom Abba TAb
  • [2] Ivan Adamovič IA
  • [1] Mark Adlard MaA
  • [2] Tim Adye TA
  • [3/4] Ahasuerus A
  • [1] Brian W Aldiss BWA
  • [3] Sara Martín Alegre SMA
  • [2] Hans Joachim Alpers HJA
  • [3] Brian Ameringen BA
  • [2/3] Mike Ashley MA
  • [2] Miquel Barceló MiB
  • [2] Zoran Bekric ZB
  • [3] Andrea Bell AB
  • [3] Joe Bernstein JBe
  • [2] Matt Bishop MB
  • [2] Russell Blackford RuB
  • [2] Everett F Bleiler EFB
  • [2] Richard Bleiler RB
  • [3] Sandra Bond SHB
  • [2] Scott Bradfield SB
  • [4] Claire Brialey CB
  • [2/3] Damien Broderick DB
  • [1] John Brosnan JB
  • [2] John C Bunnell JCB
  • [3] J R Burgmann JRB
  • [3] Campo Ricardo Burgos López CRBL
  • [3] Karen Burnham KB
  • [3] Bill Burns BB
  • [3] Roberto de Sousa Causo RSC
  • [2] Stanislav Čermák SC
  • [2] Jacques Chambon JCh
  • [3] Graham Charnock GC
  • [3] Bodhisattva Chattopadyay BCh
  • [2] I F Clarke IFC
  • [3/4] Jonathan Clements JonC
  • [1/2/3/4] John Clute JC
  • [2] John Robert Colombo JRC
  • [3] Bill Cotter BC
  • [3] Jonathan Cowie JCo
  • [2] Adrian Cox AC
  • [3] Robert Craddock RC
  • [4] Paul Cross PC
  • [3] Richard Dalby RD
  • [2] Niels Dalgaard ND
  • [3] Michal Daliot-Bul MDB
  • [2] J A Dautzenberg JAD
  • [2] Hugh Davies HD
  • [3] David Díaz-Arias DDA
  • [1] Thomas M Disch TMD
  • [2] Jane Donawerth JD
  • [3] Mathew Downward MD
  • [1] Malcolm Edwards MJE
  • [1/2/3] John Eggeling JE
  • [2] Gregory Feeley GF
  • [3] Miguel Ángel Fernández Delgado MAFD
  • [3] Rachel Haywood Ferreira RHF
  • [3] Ross Fletcher RFl
  • [3] George Flynn GFl
  • [2] Brian Forté BF
  • [1] H Bruce Franklin HBF
  • [4] Paul Fraser PF
  • [3] D Douglas Fratz DDF
  • [2] Robert Frazier RF
  • [3] Leimar Garcia-Siino LGS
  • [2] Neil Gaiman NG
  • [2] Vladimir Gakov VG
  • [3] Klaus Geus KG
  • [2/3] Bruce Gillespie BG
  • [3] M Elizabeth Ginway MEG
  • [3] John Gosling JDG
  • [2] John Grandidge JoG
  • [2/3] John Grant (Paul Barnett) JGr
  • [2] Colin Greenland CG
  • [1/2] Jon Gustafson JG
  • [3] Jen Gunnels JGu
  • [3] Peter Halasz PH
  • [2/3] Rob Hansen RH
  • [3] Steffen Hantke SHa
  • [2] Penny Heal PH
  • [3] William S Higgins WSH
  • [2/3/4] Stephen Holland SH
  • [2/3] John-Henri Holmberg J-HH
  • [3] Elton Honores EHV
  • [3] Mark Hughes MH
  • [3] Rhys Hughes RHu
  • [3] Don Hutchison DH
  • [3] Giulia Iannuzzi GI
  • [2] Jyrki Ijäs JI
  • [1] Maxim Jakubowski MJ
  • [3] Edward James EJ
  • [2] Colin A Johnson CAJ
  • [2] Jörg Kastner JK
  • [2] Roz Kaveney RK
  • [1/2] David Ketterer DK
  • [3] Dale Knickerbocker DKn
  • [2] Robert K J Killheffer RKJK
  • [3] Paul Kincaid PKi
  • [4] Piotr Konieczny PKo
  • [2] Michael Klossner MK
  • [3] Chris LaHatte CL
  • [2/3/4] David Langford DRL
  • [4] Emanuel Lottem EL
  • [3] Rich Lynch RWL
  • [2] Péter Kuczka PK
  • [3] Mike Levy MiL
  • [3] Martin Lewis ML
  • [3] Nick Lowe NL
  • [2] Sam J Lundwall SJL
  • [1] Robert Louit RL
  • [3] Ivan Lutz IL
  • [3] Esther MacCallum-Stewart EMS
  • [3] Kate Macdonald KM
  • [4] James Machell JM
  • [2] Murray MacLachlan MMacL
  • [3] Leon Maglić LM
  • [1] David I Masson DIM
  • [3] Farah Mendlesohn FM
  • [3] Helen Merrick HM
  • [4] Emily Midkiff EM
  • [3] Ron Miller RM
  • [3] Tim Miller TSM
  • [3] Andrew Milner AMi
  • [3] Yolanda Molina-Gavilán YMG
  • [3] Cheryl Morgan CM
  • [3] Antoni Munné-Jordà AM-J
  • [2] Charles Shaar Murray CSM
  • [3] Edwin L Murray ELM
  • [1] Alan Myers AM
  • [2] Kim Newman KN
  • [3] Jack Nicholls JN
  • [3] Jess Nevins JNe
  • [3] Dang Nguyen DN
  • [1/2/3] Peter Nicholls PN
  • [2] Patrick Nielsen Hayden PNH
  • [3] Sean Ficcazosp Noir SFN
  • [3] Abigail Nussbaum AN
  • [2/3] Jaroslav Olša Jr JO
  • [3] Robert Olson RO
  • [3] Daniel O'Mahony DO
  • [2] Carlo Pagetti CP
  • [3] Chris Pak CPa
  • [1] Frank H Parnell FHP
  • [3/4] Steven Pearce SP
  • [2] Ellen M Pedersen EMP
  • [1] A B Perkins ABP
  • [4] Cato Pellegrini CPe
  • [4] Lawrence Person LaP
  • [3] Luis Pestarini LPe
  • [3] Greg Pickersgill GP
  • [3] John Platt JP
  • [2] Luc Pomerleau LP
  • [2] Alexander Popov AP
  • [1/2] David Pringle DP
  • [3] Jan Pytalski JPy
  • [2] Phil Raines PhR
  • [2] Jenny Randles JR
  • [3] David Redd DR
  • [2] Robert Reginald RoR
  • [4] Jorge Repollés JoR
  • [3] Verónica Ríos VR
  • [3] David Roache DRo
  • [3] Iván Rodrigo-Mendizábal IRM
  • [1] Peter Roberts PR
  • [3] Adam Roberts AR
  • [2/3/4] Roger Robinson RR
  • [2/3] Cornel Robu CR
  • [1/2] Franz Rottensteiner FR
  • [3] Yvonne Rousseau YR
  • [2] Marcus Rowland MR
  • [3] Andy Sawyer AS
  • [1] John Scarborough JSc
  • [3] Jakob Schmidt JaS
  • [2] Mauricio-José Schwarz M-JS
  • [1/2] Takumi Shibano TSh
  • [1] Tom Shippey TS
  • [3] Luís Filipe Silva LFS
  • [1] John T Sladek JS
  • [3] Graham Sleight GS
  • [3] John D Squires JDS
  • [1/2] Brian M Stableford BS
  • [3] Geoffrey Stevens GSt
  • [1] Tony Sudbery TSu
  • [3] Susana Sussmann SS
  • [1/2] Darko Suvin DS
  • [3] Will Tattersdill WT
  • [2] Braulio Tavares BT
  • [4] Angus Taylor AT
  • [2/4] Sheldon Teitelbaum ST
  • [3] Jonathan Tickner JT
  • [3] Lavie Tidhar LTi
  • [2] Ron Tiner RT
  • [3] Juan Carlos Toledano Redondo JCTR
  • [2] Igor Tolokonnikov IT
  • [2/3] Neal Tringham NT
  • [2] Lisa Tuttle LT
  • [2] Hermann Urbanek HU
  • [3] Gordon Van Gelder GVG
  • [3] Alexander Dan Vilhjálmsson ADV
  • [3] Mariano Villarreal MV
  • [3] Konrad Walewski KW
  • [3] Sean Wallace SWa
  • [2] Janeen Webb JW
  • [3/4] Lee Weinstein LW
  • [3] Henry Wessells HW
  • [3] Gary Westfahl GW
  • [2] Steve Whitaker SW
  • [3] Rick Wilber RWi
  • [4] Chris Watkins CWa
  • [2] Chris Williamson CW
  • [3] Gary K Wolfe GKW
  • [2] Ralph Willingham RW
  • [2] Wu Dingbo WD
  • [3] Frank Wu FW
  • [3] Michelle Yost MY
  • [2] Zoran Živković ZZ

A number of older entries were signed or co-signed JSt for John Stevenson, a former pseudonym of Geoffrey Stevens (GSt) above, who asked for his byline to be changed throughout. Some JSt credits are inevitably preserved in the archive records of previous versions of entries, but there are none in the current Encyclopedia of SF.

see also: Acknowledgments.

previous versions of this entry

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