R entries
945 entries: 710 full, 235 cross-reference (>)
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- R A K >
- R. E. M.
- R H Esquire
- Raabe, H E
- Rabe, Jean
- Rabelais, François
- Rabid
- Rabin, Staton
- Rabkin, Eric S
- Race in SF
- Race for the Moon
- Race to Witch Mountain
- Racial Conflict >
- Racina, Thom
- Rackham, John >
- Rackham, Martin
- Radar Men from the Moon
- Radcliffe, Garnett
- Radiation >
- Radical Dreamers >
- Radin, Max
- Radio
- Radio Boys
- Radio Communication >
- Radio-Mania >
- Radio Ranch >
- Radiohead
- Radiophonic Workshop >
- Radium >
- Radon
- Radscha >
- Rådström, Pär
- Radu, Liviu >
- Rae, Shana
- Raes, Hugo >
- Rafcam, Nal
- Raffalovich, George
- Raffi, Sam
- Raffill, Stewart >
- Rage
- Rage: Carrie 2, The
- Ragged, Hyder
- Raiden, Edward
- Raiders from the Moon >
- Raiders of the Lost Ark >
- Raife, Raymond
- Railroad Man's Magazine, The >
- Rainbolt, Dusty
- Raine, Craig
- Raines, Phil >
- Raines, Theron
- Raise the Titanic! >
- Rajaniemi, Hannu
- Rakeland, Sam >
- Rakoff, Alvin
- Raleigh, Cecil
- Raleigh, H M
- Rall, Ted
- Ralli, Constantine
- Ralph, James
- Ralston, Gilbert
- Raman, A Thothathri
- Rambo, Cat
- Ramdagger, Geoffrey
- Rameau, Jean
- Ramirez, David
- Rammellzee
- Ramo, Simon
- Ramón y Cajal, Santiago
- Ramos, Joanne
- Rampage >
- Ramsay, Cris >
- Ramsden, Lewis
- Ramsey, Milton Worth
- Ramsey, Sherry D
- Ramseyer, Edwin
- Ramuz, C F
- Ran-Dells
- Rand, Ayn
- Rand, Peter
- Randall, Florence Engel
- Randall, John D
- Randall, Marta
- Randall, Neil
- Randall, Robert
- Randall, Rodger
- Randerson, W >
- Randisi, Robert J
- Randle, Kevin D
- Randolph, Mr
- Random, Alex >
- Rank, Heiner >
- Ranken, J L
- Rankin, Ian
- Rankin, Robert
- Rankin-Gee, Rosa
- Rankine, John >
- Rann, Sue
- Ransmayr, Christoph
- Ransom, Bill
- Ransom, Daniel >
- Ransome, Arthur
- Ransome, Charles
- Ransome, J Stafford
- Ranzetta, Luan
- Ranzetta, V >
- Rao Zhonghua
- Raos, Predrag >
- Raphael, John N
- Raphael, Rick
- Raptor >
- Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai
- Rasmussen, Alis A >
- Raspail, Jean
- Raspe, Rudolf Erich
- Rat Saviour, The >
- Rata
- Ratbastards >
- Ratfandom
- Rath, E J
- Rathbone, Julian
- Rathborne, St George
- Rathenau, Walther >
- Rather, Lina
- Rathjen, Carl H
- Rationalized Fantasy >
- Rats
- Rattray, R S
- Ratzkin, Lawrence
- Raumpatrouille: Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion
- Raumschiff Venus Antwortet Nicht >
- Raven, Simon
- Ravis, Day
- Ravn, Olga
- Raw Meat >
- Rawle, Graham
- Rawn, Melanie >
- Rawson, Jane
- Ray Bradbury Award >
- Ray Bradbury Theater
- Ray Gun
- Ray Gun Revival
- Ray Gun Terror, The >
- Ray, James
- Ray, René
- Ray, Robert
- Ray, Robert [2] >
- Ray, Satyajit
- Rayer, Francis G
- Raymond, Alex
- Raymond, Ben
- Raymond, Derek >
- Raymond, E V >
- Raymond, Hugh >
- Raymond, James F
- Raymond, John
- Raymond, P T >
- Raymond Z Gallun Award >
- Rayner, Claire
- Rayner, Jacqueline
- Rayner, Mark A
- Rayner, Olive Pratt >
- Raynor, William
- Rayon Invisible, Le >
- Rays
- Razzi, James >
- RBCC >
- Re-Animator
- Re-Animator II >
- Rea, J M
- Reach for the Stars
- Reactor >
- Read, Diann Thornley
- Read, Herbert
- Reade, Philip
- Reader, E E
- Readercon
- Readercon Small Press Awards >
- Ready, William B
- Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, The >
- Real Genius
- Real Steel
- Real Time Strategy
- Real Time Tactics
- Reality and Appearance >
- Realms of Fantasy
- Reamy, Tom
- Reaves, J Michael
- Reaves, Mallory
- Reaves, Michael >
- Rebel Planet >
- Rebelstar >
- Rebetez, René
- Rechts, Albert
- Recluse, The >
- Recursive SF
- Red Alert >
- Red Band Comics
- Red Circle Comics >
- Red Dawn
- Red Dwarf
- Red Faction
- Red Giant
- Red Magazine, The
- Red Planet
- Red Planet Earth >
- Red Planet Mars
- Red Shift
- Red Shirts
- Red vs Blue >
- Redal, Javier
- Redd, David
- Redfinn, Michael
- Redgrove, Peter
- Redknap, E E >
- Redline
- Redstone Science Fiction
- Reed, Amy
- Reed, Carmen
- Reed, Clifford C
- Reed, David V
- Reed, Douglas
- Reed, Ishmael
- Reed, Jeremy
- Reed, Kit
- Reed, Marguerite
- Reed, P Fishe
- Reed, Peter >
- Reed, Robert
- Reed, Samuel Rockwell
- Reed, Van
- Reedy, Trent
- Reel Fantasy
- Rees, Arthur J
- Rees, Gareth E
- Rees, Rod
- Reese, Esther D >
- Reese, Jenn
- Reeth, Allan
- Reeve, Arthur B
- Reeve, James Knapp
- Reeve, Laura E
- Reeve, Philip
- Reeves, Greg >
- Reeves, James
- Reeves, L P
- Reeves-Stevens, Garfield
- Reeves-Stevens, Judith >
- Regeneration
- Reger, Rob
- Regina, Ivan Carlos
- Reginald, Robert
- Regnas, C
- Regular Show
- Rehla ilal Kamar
- Rehn, Jens >
- Reich Star
- Reichert, Mickey Zucker
- Reichs, Brendan >
- Reichs, Kathy
- Reid, C Lestock
- Reid, Desmond
- Reid, Iain
- Reid, Leslie
- Reid, Rob
- Reid, Ruthanne
- Reid, T Mayne
- Reida, Alvah
- Reiffel, Leonard
- Reign of Fire
- Reilly, Matthew
- Reilly, Robert >
- Rein, Harold
- Reincarnation
- Reinganum, Victor
- Reinsmith, Richard
- Reisen, Marx
- Reisman, Jessica
- Reit, Seymour
- Reitmeister, Louis Aaron
- Reizin, P Z
- Rejuvenation
- Relapse
- Relativity
- Relativity [film] >
- Release the Spyce
- Relic, The
- Religion
- Reluctant Astronaut, The
- REM >
- Remember Me
- Remenham, John
- Remes, Ilkka
- Remic, Andy
- Renaissance
- Renard, Joseph
- Renard, Maurice
- Rendal, Justine
- Renée, Anastasha >
- Renegade Legion
- Renegade: The Battle for Jacob's Star >
- Rengade, Jules >
- Renner, James
- Rennie, Gordon
- Rennie, J Alan
- Renouvier, Charles Bernard
- Renown Publications >
- Renwick, Brett L
- Replicant
- Repo Man
- Repo Men
- Reporter, A
- Repp, Ed Earl
- Reptilicus
- Repton, Humphry
- Republic Features Syndicate >
- Rescue at Rigel >
- Resident Evil
- Resident Evil [film]
- Resident Evil: Afterlife
- Resident Evil: Apocalypse
- Resident Evil: Extinction >
- Residential Aliens >
- Residents, The
- Resistance >
- Resistance: Fall of Man
- Resistance, The
- Resnick, Mike
- Resonance of Fate
- Restif de la Bretonne
- Resurrection of Clayton Zachary Wheeler, The >
- Resurrection of Zachary Wheeler, The
- Retla, Robert >
- Retro Hugo
- Retro-Pulp
- Return from Witch Mountain >
- Return of Captain America >
- Return of Captain Invincible, The
- Return of Captain Nemo, The >
- Return of Doctor X, The
- Return of Godzilla, The >
- Return of Sherlock Holmes, The
- Return of Swamp Thing, The >
- Return of the Ape Man
- Return of the Fly
- Return of the Giant Monsters, The >
- Return of the Incredible Hulk >
- Return of the Invaders >
- Return of the Jedi >
- Return of the Stainless Steel Rat, The >
- Return, The
- Return to Eden >
- Return to Jupiter
- Return to the Lost Planet >
- Return to the Planet of the Apes >
- Rev Up Review, The >
- Revenge of Frankenstein, The >
- Revenge of the Creature
- Revenge of the Gods >
- Revenge of the Mysterons from Mars >
- Revenge of the Sith >
- Revenge of the Stepford Wives >
- Revengers Tragedy >
- Reverie, Reginald
- Revillos, The >
- Revis, Beth
- Revolution 60
- Revolution Science Fiction
- Revolutionary Girl Utena
- Rewolinski, Leah
- Rex: Final Days of an Empire >
- Rex the Runt
- Rexner, Romulus
- Rey, Russell >
- Reyes, Dolores
- Reyna, Jorge De >
- Reynardson, H Birch
- Reynolds, Alastair
- Reynolds, Alfred
- Reynolds, Anthony
- Reynolds, Emilia >
- Reynolds, Eric T
- Reynolds, James >
- Reynolds, John Murray >
- Reynolds, Joseph
- Reynolds, Mack
- Reynolds, Pamela
- Reynolds, Peter >
- Reynolds, Philip
- Reynolds, Ted
- Re:Zero – Starting Life in Another World
- Rezillos, The
- Rheingold, Howard
- Rhine, J B
- Rhinehart, Luke
- Rhizome Factor, The >
- Rhoades, Walter
- Rhodan, Forry >
- Rhodan, Perry >
- Rhode, John
- Rhodes, H Henry
- Rhodes, Jenna >
- Rhodes, W H
- Rhoscomyl, Owen
- Rhys, Jack
- Rhysling Award
- Ribbler, Eileen >
- Rice, Anne
- Rice, Christopher
- Rice, E S
- Rice, Elmer
- Rice, Harry E
- Rice, Jeff
- Rice, Peter L
- Rice, Waubgeshig
- Rich, Barbara >
- Rich, Nathaniel
- Rich, Simon
- Richard Evans Award >
- Richards, Alfred Bate
- Richards, Charles Napier
- Richards, Guy
- Richards, Harvey D
- Richards, Henry >
- Richards, Joel
- Richards, Justin
- Richards, Lysander Salmon
- Richards, Milton
- Richards, Ross >
- Richardson, Benjamin Ward
- Richardson, David J
- Richardson, E
- Richardson, F H >
- Richardson, Frank
- Richardson, Linda >
- Richardson, Maurice
- Richardson, Michael >
- Richardson, Nancy
- Richardson, Robert S >
- Richardson, Warren
- Richberg, Eloise O
- Richepin, Jean
- Richey, James >
- Richmond, Charles
- Richmond-Donahue, Leigh >
- Richmond, Fiona
- Richmond, Leigh
- Richmond, Mary >
- Richmond, Walt
- Richter, Eugen
- Richter-Frich, Øvre >
- Richter, Hans
- Rick & Morty
- Rickett, Joseph Compton
- Rickman, Gregg
- Riddell, J L
- Riddick
- Riddle, A G
- Riders to the Stars
- Ridgway, Jim
- Riding, Julia
- Riding, Laura >
- Ridley, F H >
- Ridley, Frank A
- Ridyard, Jennifer
- Rieder, John
- Rienow, Leona
- Rienow, Robert >
- Riesenberg, Sidney H
- Rifbjerg, Klaus
- Rife, Robert
- Rifts
- Rigel
- Rigg, Robert B
- Riggs, Alan >
- Riggs, Ransom
- Riker, L S
- Rikhye, Ravi
- Riley, Brett
- Riley, Frank
- Riley, Philip J >
- Riley, Terry
- Rimel, Duane W
- Rimmer, A J >
- Rimmer, Robert H
- Rimworld
- Ring
- Ringdahl, Roar
- Ringo, John
- Rinkoff, Barbara Jean
- Rinzler, J W
- Rio 70
- Rios, Julia
- Riou, Édouard
- Rip Hunter, Time Master
- Ripley, Karen
- Rippington, Geoff >
- Rise of the Planet of the Apes
- Rise of the Silver Surfer >
- Rishi, Farah Naz
- Risk 2210 AD
- Rita
- Ritchie, Paul
- Rites of War >
- Ritt, William
- Rivas, Manuel Antonio de
- River, Uncle
- Rivera, Mercurio D
- Rivere, Alec >
- Riverside, John >
- Riverside Quarterly
- Riviere, Sam
- RMB >
- Roach, Richard >
- Road, The
- Road to Hong Kong, The
- Road to the Stars >
- Road Warrior, The >
- Roanhorse, Rebecca
- Robb, J D
- Robb, John
- Robbe-Grillet, Alain
- Robbins, David
- Robbins, David L
- Robbins, Judith Redman
- Robbins, Trina
- Robens, Howard
- Roberson, Chris
- Roberson, Jennifer >
- Roberson, Rick >
- Robert A Heinlein Award
- Robert Hale Limited
- Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers
- Robert, Katee
- Robert Ludlum's the Bourne Conspiracy >
- Robert Weinberg Publications >
- Roberts, A R R R >
- Roberts, Adam
- Roberts, Alaric J
- Roberts & Vinter >
- Roberts, Andrew
- Roberts, Anthony >
- Roberts, Arthur
- Roberts, Bechhofer
- Roberts, Charles G D
- Roberts, Craig >
- Roberts, Gareth
- Roberts, J W
- Roberts, James Hall
- Roberts, Jane
- Roberts, John >
- Roberts, John Maddox
- Roberts, Keith
- Roberts, Lionel >
- Roberts, Michèle
- Roberts, Murray >
- Roberts, Nora >
- Roberts, Peter >
- Roberts, Ralph
- Roberts, Steve
- Roberts, Tansy Rayner
- Roberts, Terence
- Roberts, Theodore Goodridge
- Roberts, Tony
- Roberts, W Adolphe
- Roberts, Wilfred Joseph
- Roberts, Willo Davis
- Robertski Brothers >
- Robertson, Al
- Robertson, Dale
- Robertson, E Arnot
- Robertson, J R
- Robertson, Morgan
- Robertson, Tim
- Robertson, W C >
- Robertson, Wilfrid
- Robeson, Kenneth
- Robida, Albert
- Robin, Ralph >
- Robinet, Lee >
- Robinett, Stephen
- Robins, Madeleine E
- Robinson, Andrew J
- Robinson, C N >
- Robinson, Charles >
- Robinson, Charles Henry
- Robinson Crusoe on Mars
- Robinson, E A
- Robinson, Eleanor
- Robinson, Frank M
- Robinson, Frederick
- Robinson, Gail >
- Robinson, Jeanne
- Robinson, Kim Stanley
- Robinson, Logan
- Robinson, Nigel
- Robinson, Patrick
- Robinson, Phil
- Robinson, Philip Bedford
- Robinson, Robert
- Robinson, Roger
- Robinson, Spider
- Robinson, W Heath
- Robinsonade
- Robitaille, Julie
- Robles, Lola
- RoboCop
- RoboCop 2
- RoboCop 3
- RoboCop: The Series >
- Roboforce >
- RoboNinja >
- Roborally
- Robot Carnival
- Robot Detective
- Robot Jox
- Robot Monster
- Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy, The
- Robotboy
- Robotech >
- Robotics
- Robotmen of the Lost Planet
- Robotomy
- Robotron 2084
- Robots
- Robots [film]
- Robots [performance]
- Robson, Eddie
- Robson, Justina
- Robson, Kelly
- Robu, Cornel
- Roche, Eugenius
- Rochelle, Warren
- Rochester, George E
- Rochon, Esther
- Rock, Gilbert >
- Rock, James
- Rock, Pam
- Rocket Attack U.S.A.
- Rocket Comics
- Rocket Kelly
- Rocket Man, The
- Rocket Ranger >
- Rocket Ship X
- Rocket Stories
- Rocket to the Moon >
- Rocketeer, The
- Rocketman
- Rocketmen: Axis of Evil >
- Rockets
- Rocket's Blast Comicollector
- Rocketship X-M
- Rocketville >
- Rockin' with Judy Jetson >
- Rocklynne, Ross
- Rockwell, Carey
- Rockwood, Roy
- Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, The >
- Rocky and His Friends >
- Rocky Horror Picture Show, The
- Rocky Jones, Space Ranger
- Rod Brown of the Rocket Rangers
- Rod Serling's Night Gallery
- Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone Magazine
- Rodan >
- Roddenberry, Gene
- Rodgers, Alan
- Rodman, Eric >
- Rodney, George Brydges
- Rodriguez, Robert
- Roe, Ivan >
- Roeg, Nicolas
- Roemer, Kenneth M
- Roenbeck, Patricia
- Roessner, Michaela
- Roger, Aristide
- Roger Corman's Frankenstein Unbound >
- Roger, Noëlle
- Rogers, Alva
- Rogers, Bessie Story
- Rogers, Chuck >
- Rogers-Davidson, Sally
- Rogers, Hubert
- Rogers, Jane
- Rogers, John Rankin
- Rogers, Lebbeus Harding
- Rogers, M Alan >
- Rogers, Mac
- Rogers, Melva >
- Rogers, Michael
- Rogers, Pat >
- Rogers, Patrick F
- Rogers, W A
- Rogers, Wayne
- Rogersohn, William >
- Rogow, Roberta
- Rogoz, Adrian >
- Rogoz, Georgina-Viorica >
- Rogue >
- Rogue [game] >
- Rogue Galaxy
- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
- Rogue Trader >
- Roguelike
- Rohan, Michael Scott
- Rohmer, Richard H
- Rohmer, Sax
- Rojas, Agustín de
- Rojas Anido, Agustín de >
- Rōjin Z
- Roker, A B >
- Rolant, Rene >
- Role Playing Game
- Rolfe, Frederick
- Rolland, Romain
- Rollerball
- Rolling Stones, The
- Rollins, Frank West
- Rollo, William
- Rollover
- Rolls, Brian
- Rolt-Wheeler, Francis W
- Roman, Peter >
- Roman, Steven A
- Romanek, Mark
- Romania
- Romano, Deane
- Romanov, German
- Romans, R H
- Rome, Alger
- Rome, David
- Romero, George A
- Romero, John
- Romilus, Arn
- Ronald, Bruce W
- Ronald Reagan: The Magazine of Poetry >
- Rónaszegi, Miklós >
- Ronco, Dan
- Rook, Sebastian >
- Root, Albert
- Rorvik, David
- Rosa, Samuel Albert
- Roscoe, Theodore
- Rose, Ed >
- Rose, F Horace
- Rose, Heather
- Rose, Laurence F >
- Rose, Lloyd
- Rose, Lois >
- Rose, Malcolm
- Rose, Mark
- Rose Red
- Rose, Stephen
- Rosemary's Baby
- Rosen, Lev A C
- Rosen, Selina
- Rosenbaum, Benjamin
- Rosenberg, Aaron
- Rosenberg, Joel
- Rosenblum, J Michael
- Rosenblum, Mary
- Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead >
- Rosencreutz, Christian >
- Rosendorfer, Herbert
- Rosenkreutz, Christian >
- Rosenman, John B
- Rosenthal, Monroe >
- Rosewater, Frank
- Roshwald, Mordecai
- Rosicrucianism >
- Rositzke, Harry A
- Rosny aîné, J-H
- Rosny jeune, J-H
- Ross, Adrian
- Ross, Bernard L >
- Ross, Charles
- Ross, Dallas >
- Ross, David D
- Ross, Deborah J
- Ross, Ian >
- Ross, James >
- Ross, Jean
- Ross, Joel >
- Ross, Joseph
- Ross, Leone
- Ross, Malcolm
- Ross, Olin J
- Ross, Raymond George
- Ross, Raymond J
- Ross, Robert >
- Ross, Ronald >
- Rossetto, Louis Jr
- Rossi, Marcianus F
- Rossi, Veronica
- Rossiter, Oscar
- Rossmann, John F
- Rosson, Keith
- Rossow, William B
- Rostand, Maurice
- Rostant, Larry
- Roswell
- Roszak, Theodore
- Roth, Edward
- Roth, Philip
- Roth, Veronica
- Rothenberg, Alan B
- Rothman, Chuck
- Rothman, Milton A
- Rothman, Tony
- Rotsler Award
- Rotsler, William
- Rottensteiner, Franz
- Rottman, Gordon >
- Rouch, James
- Rouff, Marcel
- Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles >
- Roujin Z >
- Round Robin
- Rountree, Josh
- Rousseau, Victor
- Rousseau, Yvonne
- Roussel, Raymond
- Routh, Jonathan >
- Rouzade, Léonie
- Rovin, Jeff
- Rowcroft, Charles
- Rowe, Christopher
- Rowe, Hunter
- Rowe, J W
- Rowe, John Gabriel
- Rowe, Patricia
- Rowe, Rebecca
- Rowena >
- Rowland, Donald S
- Rowley, Christopher
- Rowlot Ltd >
- Rowson, Martin
- Roy, Archie
- Roy, Lillian Elizabeth
- Royal, Brian James >
- Royal, Matthew J
- Royal Publications >
- Royce, E R
- Royce, Easton >
- Roycraft, Jaye
- Royer, Amber
- Royo, Luis
- Roys, Willis E
- Rozanès, Alain P
- RPG >
- Ruben, William S
- Rubens, Michael
- Ruber, Peter
- Rubie, Peter >
- Rubinstein, Gillian
- Rubinstein, Paul
- Rubios, Jose >
- Ruck, Berta
- Rucka, Greg
- Rucker, Rudy
- Rud, Anthony
- Rudaux, Lucien
- Ruddell, Gary
- Ruddick, Bob >
- Ruddick, Nicholas
- Ruditis, Paul
- Rue Morgue
- Ruellan, André
- Ruff, Matt
- Ruffan, Edmund
- Ruggero, Ed
- Ruhen, Carl
- Ruined Earth
- Ruins and Futurity
- Rule of Five Quarterly, The >
- Rules of Engagement >
- Rumania >
- Rumfitt, Alison
- Runaway
- Runaway Brain
- Runciman, John >
- Running Man, The
- Runyon, Charles W
- Ruocchio, Christopher
- Ruppert, Chester >
- Rural Publishing Corporation >
- Ruritania
- Rusch, Kristine Kathryn
- Ruse, Gary Alan
- Rush
- Rushdie, Salman
- Rushkoff, Douglas
- Rushton, William
- Rusk, James, Jr
- Ruskin, Ronald
- Russ, Joanna
- Russell, Addison Peale
- Russell, Alan K
- Russell, Bertrand
- Russell, Don
- Russell, Eric Frank
- Russell, G Warren
- Russell, Gary
- Russell, John >
- Russell, John [2]
- Russell, John Robert
- Russell, Karen
- Russell, Ken
- Russell, Mary Doria
- Russell, Ray
- Russell, W Clark
- Russell, William Moy
- Russen, David
- Russia
- Russo, Carol
- Russo, John >
- Russo-Lyde, N
- Russo, Richard Paul
- Rustoff, Michael
- Ruth, Rod
- Rutherford, Meg
- Rutherford, Mike
- Rutledge, Maryse
- Rutley, C Bernard
- Rutman, Leo
- Rutter, Owen
- Ruuth, Marianne
- Ruyslinck, Ward >
- Ryan, Alan
- Ryan, Amy Kathleen
- Ryan, C J
- Ryan, Carrie
- Ryan, Charles C
- Ryan, Desmond
- Ryan, G H
- Ryan, Kevin
- Ryan, Thomas
- Ryan, Thomas J
- Ryark, Felix >
- Ryder, James
- Ryman, Geoff
- Ryman, Ras
- Ryner, Han
- Ryves, T E
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z